Jaspr Health, Zero Suicide Institute’s first digital health partner, is a digital suicide-care platform developed collaboratively by suicide prevention experts, people with lived experience, and healthcare providers. Its automated, evidence-based protocols improve the patient experience, optimize provider care, and empower health systems to reduce their risks and costs, ultimately saving lives.
Presented by Zero Suicide Institute and Jaspr Health
Improving the ED Experience for
Suicidal Patients and their Providers
Register for the Most Convenient Date
We will be hosting this free open house two different days.
Zero Suicide Institute is a leader in Zero Suicide implementation and is working closely with Jaspr to support principles and best practices for preventing suicide deaths at scale across the entire health system. Please join us as we review Jaspr’s recent RCT data and tour it’s features, including:
- Automated Assistant that helps people in suicide crisis with immediate, on-demand evidence-based suicide risk assessment, lethal means counseling, and crisis stability/safety planning
- Comfort & Skills library with activities drawn to help patients stabilize the crisis and learn coping strategies for the future
- Shared Stories library from survivors with lived experiences to give guidance, inspire hope and create meaningful connections
- Jaspr At Home, a free companion mobile app that provides ongoing evidence-based support during the high-risk period that follows hospital discharge
Julie Goldstein Grumet, PhD
Director, Zero Suicide Institute at Education Development Center
Dr. Goldstein Grumet is an expert in behavioral health transformation, state and local community suicide prevention, and the use of evidence-based practices for suicide care in clinical settings. As director of the Zero Suicide Institute, Goldstein Grumet provides strategic direction and leadership for the Zero Suicide framework and oversees the development, dissemination, evaluation, and effective implementation of the framework nationwide.
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Kelly Koerner, PhD
CEO, Jaspr Health
An expert clinician and trainer in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Kelly has spent her career developing innovative ways to close the gap between scientific research and how clinicians practice. Since co-founding her first behavioral health training company in 1997, she has given life to multiple behavioral technology ventures, including BTECH Research, PracticeGround, and Evidence-Based Practice Institute, Inc. Kelly is also adjunct clinical faculty at the University of Washington and the author of Doing Dialectical Behavior Therapy: A Practical Guide.
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